Lucette in her studio

After a long transformational and creative journey with breast cancer, Lucette made her transition into the Light at 10:40 p.m. on February 17th, 2011. She will be remembered for her kindness, her art and her music. Her music was especially the product of her transformation through cancer. When diagnosed, she said of her desire to create music: “If not now, when?”

“The closest analogy to how I experience both the act of painting and a finished work of art is music. While I am painting I feel like music is streaming through me on to the paper. It is difficult to say whether I am playing the music or the instrument being played. My experience is the reverse of music, however, because the performance is done privately in my studio while the completed score in its entirety is what I show the public. There is another interesting distinction between the two media for me, as well. Music is played in a line, it is linear, but it creates an atmosphere that continues after it has been played. A painting is a whole piece of music sounding all at once and which the viewer replays by looking at it. As the eye wanders around a painting the colors, forms, textures and their relationships are ‘sounding’ within the viewer creating an experience or mood or atmosphere.” — L.B.

“It is possible to perceive music in the way that you would a painting in your house, which is always there, yet you don’t mind if you walk past it, you notice it bit by bit over time. This way of perceiving obviously contrasts greatly with the usual way of thinking about concert hall music. This thought also suggests that ambient music blurs the boundary between spatial and temporary art. Paintings exist in space and don’t change through time, whereas Western music exists more as changes in time than in space. Ambient music, being concerned with landscape and ambiance, is about spatial qualities as much as temporal ones.” — Chris Melchior, Ambient Music, Beginnings and Implications

This website is a tribute to Lucette’s music. Our hope is to attract new listeners, if we can. This transcendent music certainly deserves a large audience. — Greg Moorcroft, March 2020

This site’s time seems to have come. I’ve tried to do my part, but the engagement has been nothing like I’d hoped. Lucette’s legacy is clearly out of my hands. I’m turning it over to — G.M., April 2024